Drasko Draskovic and Janko Isidorovic will present Mainflux and EdgeXFoundry IoT platforms at Open Source Summit In Shanghai that will be held on June 24–26. Minflux team will present the architecture of an end-to-end open-source source solution for IoT edge-fog-cloud continuum.
On behalf of Mainflux Labs, Sasa Klopanovic company CMO was participating in MATCH Startup Program organized by the Swedish embassy in Budapest and Global Startup Awards organization. Mainflux Labs was among nine selected companies of total fifty that applied for the Matching program with Ericsson, AQ Anton, Sigma Technologies and ABB.
Janko Isidorovic, Mainflux Labs COO participated at the SmartCity SEE Conference panel: "Smart City Connectivity" together with representatives from Telecom Serbia, Huawei, and Deutsche Telecom.